School Tree Inspections

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School Tree Inspections Services

As evidence of our care and value for the community, here at JK Cooper, we have partnered with schools and their service providers to provide school tree inspections and tree pruning / removal.

Trees often require pruning to maintain clearance for utility services and buildings or to improve the safety, structure, and health of the tree. They are also often pruned to improve the amenity of sites in order to enable successful cohabitation between trees and people. (ref:

Proper maintenance of trees in schools

It is absolutely crucial to ensure that trees on school properties are properly maintained as there are children who play amongst such trees and any structural damage or infections could result in ta limb suddenly falling from the tree, which can happen without warning, and injury or even death to the people below.

As such, we are dedicated to providing safety measures and ensuring that each school property we inspect is left with the healthiest trees possible. If a tree is deemed unsafe or likely to present a hazard we will work over the weekend to remove such tress without impacting on classes.

This most recent push in the community for healthy trees came after a tragedy that shook a school community in February 2014. A four year old child was killed on a school playground as a result of an improperly maintained tree when a branch fell. The sudden, seemingly unpredictable and fatal nature of the case sparked prompt response from the relevant heads of department and politicians.

The Department of Education confirmed that arborist assessments had been completed for 1960 out of 2181 school sites (89 per cent) and that 5042 trees had been removed. Arborists recommended lopping and removal of trees at 1587 school sites and the work is expected to be completed by the end of next month. ( ref: News excerpt from SMH – )

Routine tree safety checks

We can provide routine safety checks of trees on school grounds in the Hunter Region. These safety checks include ensuring that all trees are structurally sound, free from harmful insects or infections and maintaining the structure and health of all trees in the area. Our reason for being so adamant in this is that we value our community and by extension, we value our children and the schools that we serve in the community.

JK Cooper is a family run business, has been for the past 40 years and will be for the foreseeable future. As such, the value we place on ensuring that our schools are safe for our children is immense and we will do our best as the premier tree inspection agency in the New South Wales area to uplift and uphold this commitment to quality tree care.

In addition to doing safety checks on schools in New South Wales, we are able to diagnose and take care of any issues the same way we would for any of our clients.

As is to be expected, our work with our schools is just as environmentally friendly as any of our other jobs. We take our dedication to schools even more seriously considering the fact that many children play around such trees.

Our team will be sure to carefully dispose of any rubbish created during the work and we have a zero tolerance policy for littering of anyone who works with us. We like to set a good example for the youth of our community and caring for our environment is one of the ways in which we do this.

We hope you see the value of our company in caring for the schools in our community and we look forward to helping with tree maintenance.

Providing accurate tree management services

As one of the more prevalent tree management companies in the New South Wales area, this news although shocking was not entirely unpredictable since we know how difficult it can be to properly inspect trees and the necessity for qualified regular inspections. When we are contract by a school or service provider to provide tree inspections and maintenance we are absolutely determined to ensure that we only leave safe trees and branches in place.

If you see something changing about a tree that concerns you like dying branches, inset infestations, sick looking trees, lots of weeping of joins at the collars between branches and the trunk then stay clear of it and notify the relevant supervisor or safety person and request that the tree be inspected and consider cordoning off the area to keep people far enough away so that they won’t get hurt if the branch falls.

Working with our community’s school groups and councils, we put our tree management plans into effect to ensure that each tree population on school property is well maintained.


James Deluca

“Please thankyou your colleagues for the very professional job they did in reducing the height of our tree. It now has hanging flower baskets all over it and looks pretty good in its new form. I thought the boys might like to see the photos. Once again thanks for a job well done. ”

James Deluca
Jeff Richardson

“Janine, Please thank your colleagues for the very professional job they did in reducing the height of our tree. It now has hanging flower baskets all over it and looks pretty good in its new form. I thought the boys might like to see the photos. Once again thanks for a job well done.

Jeff Richardson
Denise Funnell & Ken Bradshaw

"We would like to say thank you for doing such a marvelous job in taking down the tree on the above block this morning. Not only did the team do a superb job, but it was a joy to watch true professionals at work. James in particular showed great skill at the job, and was obviously aware of safety at all times, both for himself and his crew. He was also very pleasant and easy to get along with and we had every confidence in him as soon as we met. We were also very impressed by the efficiency and courteous manner shown by Erin in promptly returning phone calls and coordinating with Wildthing Environmental Services. We will be more than happy to recommend your company"

Denise Funnell & Ken Bradshaw
Peter & Jan Mayon ( Wyburn Allandale NSW )

"Hi Caroline and Jamie,
Thanks heaps for finishing our job today. You guys do a great job, Walter (the ironbark) and the grey box look great. Thank you to Jamie for dealing with the casuarinas on the fence line making our job much easier. Can certainly recommend your service, clean up exceptional and good advice. Special mention to James with his customer service and manner and thoroughly being a good bloke."

Peter & Jan Mayon ( Wyburn Allandale NSW )
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