Land Development Planning
Our consultants are trained to deal with plants and trees. We’ve built up a strong rapport with people in the local councils and have a range of trusted providers we can rely on for services in addition to those we which we have in house expertise.
Services we offer for land development consulting & project management include:
- Ensuring the right trees and shrubs are being planted for local conditions
- Ensuring the plants are being cared for while they are getting established
- Ensuring that proper safety measures are following in all work
When you embark on a land development project, it is absolutely crucial to have the right people on your side to ensure that all work is compliant.
The government and local officials take any infractions upon land development regulations and rules very seriously, meaning that it is absolutely imperative that you hire a company with experience and knowledge of the various legalities and restrictions involving land development.
Here at JK Cooper, we’ve been providing our clients with quality land development consulting for over years. Our skilled consultants and tree experts are able to craft a plan for your property.
Whatever your project is, here at JK Cooper, our goal is to leave you with absolutely zero worries regarding your trees during that project. Call us for a free quote today!
Expert aborist representation
We are able to represent you in all project proposals that require expert arborist input. Government regulation regarding land clearing, tree planting and weed control can be confusing but we will handle this for you and ensure that your project will be successful. We will strive to become a trusted consultant that will ensure that your land development project can proceed promptly.
Whether you need us as consultants on a project involving construction or simply wish to add, move or remove trees from your property, we guarantee you that we’ve dealt with a case like yours before. We can call upon a variety of experts on our team that we feel will work best for your project to get the right result.
Tree protection service
We are able to provide you with tree protection during a land development such as a sub division and provide recommendation on which trees to keep. Construction projects often involve earthmoving equipment and trees can be adversely affected if they are not protected by an appropriate boundary. We are able to provide protection to any trees that you want to keep safe during your construction project. We can install tree protection measures to ensure that your trees are not damaged and also care for the other vegetation on your land.
Tree removal services
If you need trees to be removed during your project, no problem at all! Our expert team is able to remove any trees on your property to make room for construction. The trees will be disposed of under your direction or relocated to another area on your property.
We make use of several recycling techniques and, if you will allow us, we will recycle the trees from your property and make use of them in various ways. Visit the ‘recycling’ page of our website to see exactly how we make use of the debris and trees from our projects in helping out the community.