School Tree Inspections

Importance of School Tree Inspections

Importance of School Tree Inspections -

Trees are known for enhancing the overall appeal of a school campus. More than that, trees contribute to cleaner air as they produce the oxygen that we all breathe in. But, if tree inspections and maintenance are not adhered to, the trees we look up to can pose risks to people and property where they are located.

Tree accidents could be avoided with proper school tree inspections

A tree that is not regularly inspected may suddenly cause a critical incident by shedding a branch, cracking, or falling over. The recent death of a 21-year old student due to a falling branch serves as a stern reminder as to why conducting tree inspections regularly is of utmost importance in keeping the students safe inside school premises.

According to news reports, a student from the Australian National University was helping set up for the Lost Paradise music festival at Glenworth Valley when the mishap occurred. This young woman was taking a break underneath a gum tree when a 4-meter branch snapped off and hither. Who could have known that this incident would lead to an untimely death of a student?

Although deaths inside school premises are few and far between, school authorities should ensure regular tree inspections. That is why there are licensed tree removal specialists called arborists. They address all tree-related issues, including school tree inspections. This way, risks and other potential tree hazards can be identified, assessed, and mitigated.

Advantages of school tree inspections

Some of the most complex of existing Australian laws is related to tree protection on private land. Many factors are covered by these tree protection laws including location and determining heritage value, among others. These laws, and the tragedy of the tree-related incidents is why schools should implement a comprehensive and legally-compliant list of tree management procedures.

Conducting school tree inspections tops the list. Here are some advantage points covered during an inspection:

  • Having all the trees on the school grounds registered or recorded, identifying risk to student injury and monitoring of tree age will be easier.
  • Conducting an immediate tree inspection after a natural calamity or abrupt change in weather condition such as a storm. Measures like pruning and emergency tree removals can be carried out shortly after identifying which trees were affected.
  • Assessing the age and condition of the tree, barriers may be an option to consider. This way, students become aware that getting close to the tree maybe quite risky.
  • Doing routine safety checks of trees on school grounds, proper maintenance can be scheduled to prevent trees from being infested with harmful insects and in keeping them as a healthy shade for students.

Hire an arborist for professional tree inspection services

Engaging the services of a professional arborist will help ensure safety. Arborists are the experts who can determine whether trees on school grounds can possibly obstruct or interfere with utilities or structures, or can potentially harm students. They are also equipped with knowledge when it comes to methods used for insect-infested branches, or those trees that have been damaged by storm or bushfire.

Trees inside the school grounds, when properly taken care of and man aged, not only beautify the surroundings, the shade of a sturdy healthy tree can serve as a place for studying and having a chat with classmates and friends after class. It is for this purpose by which school authorities should exercise caution and ensure regular school tree inspections.

Fortunately, for professional and cost efficient tree inspections, you have JK Cooper to assist you. Contact our arborists today for more details.
